1. class selenium.webdriver.remote.errorhandler.ErrorCode
WebDriver 有线协议中定义的错误代码。
1.1. ELEMENT_CLICK_INTERCEPTED = [64, 'element click intercepted']
1.2. ELEMENT_IS_NOT_SELECTABLE = [15, 'element not selectable']
1.3. ELEMENT_NOT_INTERACTABLE = [60, 'element not interactable']
1.4. ELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE = [11, 'element not visible']¶
1.5. IME_ENGINE_ACTIVATION_FAILED = [31, 'ime engine activation failed']
1.6. IME_NOT_AVAILABLE = [30, 'ime not available']
1.7. INSECURE_CERTIFICATE = ['insecure certificate']
1.8. INVALID_ARGUMENT = [61, 'invalid argument']
1.9. INVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN = [24, 'invalid cookie domain']
1.10. INVALID_COORDINATES = ['invalid coordinates']
1.11. INVALID_ELEMENT_COORDINATES = [29, 'invalid element coordinates']
1.12. INVALID_ELEMENT_STATE = [12, 'invalid element state']
1.13. INVALID_SELECTOR = [32, 'invalid selector']
1.14. INVALID_SESSION_ID = ['invalid session id']
1.15. INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR = [51, 'invalid selector']
1.16. INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR_RETURN_TYPER = [52, 'invalid selector']
1.17. JAVASCRIPT_ERROR = [17, 'javascript error']
1.18. METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = [405, 'unsupported operation']
1.19. MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = [34, 'move target out of bounds']
1.20. NO_ALERT_OPEN = [27, 'no such alert']
1.21. NO_SUCH_COOKIE = [62, 'no such cookie']
1.22. NO_SUCH_ELEMENT = [7, 'no such element']
1.23. NO_SUCH_FRAME = [8, 'no such frame']
1.24. NO_SUCH_WINDOW = [23, 'no such window']
1.25. SCRIPT_TIMEOUT = [28, 'script timeout']
1.26. SESSION_NOT_CREATED = [33, 'session not created']
1.27. STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE = [10, 'stale element reference']
1.28. SUCCESS = 0
1.29. TIMEOUT = [21, 'timeout']
1.30. UNABLE_TO_CAPTURE_SCREEN = [63, 'unable to capture screen']
1.31. UNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE = [25, 'unable to set cookie']
1.32. UNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN = [26, 'unexpected alert open']
1.33. UNKNOWN_COMMAND = [9, 'unknown command']
1.34. UNKNOWN_ERROR = [13, 'unknown error']
1.35. UNKNOWN_METHOD = ['unknown method exception']
1.36. XPATH_LOOKUP_ERROR = [19, 'invalid selector']
2. class selenium.webdriver.remote.errorhandler.ErrorHandler
处理 WebDriver 服务器返回的错误。
2.1. check_response(response)
检查来自 WebDriver 的 JSON 响应是否没有错误。
- response - 来自 WebDriver 服务器的 JSON 响应,作为字典对象。